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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Missing Work and Missing My Kids

    I have not been to work since February 12th 2021 since I cut my finger. Stitches are out now and my finger has healed, but the numbness is still being felt. So I will be having surgery on my finger just waiting on my insurance to cover the surgery. Yet, at this moment I miss working I miss my kids, I miss being in the pool. Pretty much I am missing everything that I should be doing right now. 

Last Thursday I did actually go see a hand surgeon at Huntington Orthopedic, the doctor I saw was very friendly as well as everyone there when I walked into the place. Had actually gone the the week before, but needed an authorization form to see a doctor so I had to cancel. Not even that the worse part was the insurance I had would not cover anything so had to cancel that insurance and I can say right now I am covered now just waiting on my insurance to give the go ahead so I am able to have surgery on my finger.

It was interesting when I went to see the doctor and what she was telling me. I had done some research into hand surgery and the different types as well as the recovery for each one. For mine it would be six weeks (so not fun right now, I am ready to go back to work right now). I guess there are different ways of cutting your finger and the way my cut was is not that bad compared to it being the other way around. 

So it looks like I will be out of work for a while, I guess with this happening I can go back to blogging and keep you all posted on my finger and what I am doing everyday or every week. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Cut Finger

      What can I say right now I am just lost for words. this past weekend had just finished my class from the Catholic Bible Institute the here I go to wash some dishes not knowing what would happen next would change my week and possibly future weeks for work. had cut my finger really deep and now will need hand surgery. not fun at all. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Romantic Comedies

Jennifer Echols
Romantic Comedies
The Ex Games

This was a great read really great read. It made my day that is all I have to say.
Nick and Hayden had dated back in the seventh grade but she broke if off when she found out about the bet he had going. Now in the eleventh grade they are still friends but now their friend's are dating each other and they want Nick and Hayden to get back together. During Christmas break everyone goes up to the mountains to do some skiing and when they have another run in a argument begins about who is better at skiing and so begins the battle of the sexes. Soon the town finds out about this bet and place their bets in but another bet begins-will they get back together. Even their respected family members agree that they will get back together. Will this bet hurt them or bring them closer together. They will be fine.
Enjoyed reading this book the connection with these two people is their they just don't know it yet. Hayden still loves Nick she is just unsure if can can trust the boy. The way they act when they are alone is like they are still a couple and Nick does want Hayden. He can have any girl but he wants Hayden, two different people one a country girl the other coming from a wealthy family. The sibling bond with Hayden and Josh her baby brother is so cute but they push one another to be better at their sport of skiing though. What he does to his jeans "boy toy" and she actually wears them around the town, people actually do see them on her even her friends but don't really say anything.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Semester Over for the Fall of 2012

Well had my last final yesterday for my English 250 class which is about MYTHOLOGY. Have to say that was a fun class really enjoyed reading the material Susan Suntree had given us. The one book we had to read for the class was GILGAMESH that book was a joy to read, it is a book everyone should read. Another book that was part of our class but not the whole book was THE MYTH OF THE GODDESS now that book just loved reading it. I am planning on finishing the book because I want to know more about these GODDESSES from these myths that we read. A lot of interesting stuff coming from this book.
Yesterday was of course our final, which was to present our project, what we did our paper on. I did mine on whale characters in myths from Indian tribes and in literature as well as in the movies, it was fun to find how these whales are portrayed basically everywhere. Wasn't really prepared I had a book to show but speaking about my project well what I wanted to say did not come out the way I had hoped it would. Besides that the ones that presented what they did was really interesting to hear what they found out.
Going to miss this class it was fun to come to for two days a week.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GILGAMESH by Stephen Mitchell

Read this book for class Gilgamesh what a great read this was. Did not really expect to enjoy reading this but have to say that I'm in love with this book. Set like a poem to be read and a pretty fast read at that.
Gilgamesh a man who believes he can have everything he wants, especially with the women, the people of the village do not like this one bit and ask the GODS to send some help to stop him, send someone they do, his equal. Enkidu turns out to be his equal, his best friend, and his brother.
Together they are unstoppable they take care of things that need to be taking care of and when they take care of a situation they upset the GODS and that was something they should not have done.  So they take something very dear to Gilgamesh and now he is at a loss, a loss that sends him searching for answers. HOW DOES ONE DEAL WITH DEATH? This is what Gilgamesh is on a search for. 
What do you think of Gilgamesh?

Thursday, November 1, 2012


HALLOWEEN, man can remember when this day used to be fun, couldn't wait to go trick or treating, but now I love passing out the candy to the little one's. But these past couple of years have not seen that many costumes on these kids. A couple of years ago I had a bunch of kids that I seen with cool costumes, but last night I had more high school kids then I did little ones, not that I mind having these high school kids but love seeing what the little one's are wearing. 
Taking my niece out last night to go get candy did not really see that many homes passing out the candy, we probably went to maybe seven homes while she was with me. Then where her mom and boyfriend came and took over I went home to pass out candy, because I love passing out these things. We didn't get a lot of kids around seven-thirty was when we got more trick o treat kids to the house.
Why can't people celebrate this holiday anymore?

Been Awhile

So it has been a while since I have been on here, well not a while but a couple of years since I was on here, been busy with other pages. But since I am here now, I will try and post some stuff at least once a week if I can. A lot has been going on since I last posted, just have to say that I am happy in the direction of life I am heading towards and look forward to  a bigger life, a happier life, a life of change.